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Study the female reproductive system by dissecting pig reproductive tracts from Science Resource Box.
Quality dissection of the birth canal, cervix, bi-lobed uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, ovarian follicles, bladder, lower portion of the digestive system, blood vessels and connective tissues. Packed singly for convenience. Complete organs selected and trimmed specifically to maximise learning outcomes. These are twice the size of sheep reproductive tracts. Reputable, sustainable and ethically sourced, offering rich hands-on learning experiences.
Product: x1 pig reproductive tract (frozen)
For urgent deliveries, please speak to us directly. We want you to receive your frozen and therefore perishable products in good order, countrywide!
Delivered frozen to physical, attended addresses only.
Dispatched Mondays and Tuesdays (10am cut-off), school terms only.
Couriered to cities and larger towns throughout New Zealand. Rural delivery (and locations not serviced by our courier) by negotiation and may incur extra costs.
PAYMENT: Direct Credit, Cheque, Credit Card, PayPal.
View video
Immature sow reproductive system dissection (Use this link if the video below doesn't work.)